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What Is Co-Teaching?

Co-Teaching is an instructional delivery approach in which a classroom teacher and a special education teacher (or other special services professional) share responsibility for planning, delivering, and evaluating instruction for a group of students, some of which have exceptional needs.                                                 

                                                  --Friend, Reising, & Cook, 1993


Our Purpose

Our purpose is to educate and support teachers and administrators in the implementation of effective co-teaching.



Successful implementation of the Co-Teaching model requires careful implementation planning and oversight as well as training with follow-up support for the educators involved.


The Arkansas Co-Teaching Project is designed to provide support to schools interested in implementing a new co-teaching program or improving an existing one. Support is provided through comprehensive training, technical assistance, and informational resources.

Co-Teaching Spotlight
Tiffany Bay, Instructional Facilitator
Old High Middle School, Bentonville School District
Tiffany Bay.PNG
Congratulations to Tiffany for completing the Boundless Learning Micro-Credentials and receiving the Boundless Learning badge!
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